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Natural Wart Removal Procedures To Take Into Consideration

March 29, 2013

Those unsightly benign tumors that are located on the surface of the human body, particularly on hands and feet, are called warts. You might deal with those contagious, unappealing warts for years and you need to consider natural wart removal.

When it comes to eliminating warts, most individuals decide to see a doctor and to opt for surgical curettages, laser treatments, or cryonic removals which necessitate liquid nitrogen to be used in order to freeze the unnecessary wart. Usually, these types of treatments cause you pain, let you with scars and have no results. As a result, more and more people have begun using natural treatments that are neither painful, nor expensive. You might see this as a joke, but it is reality. All it takes is you rubbing the wart with a banana peel.

In case you don’t have too much time, cover the wart with the banana peel and make use of duct tape or adhesive compress to hold it against. Don’t expect to see an immediate progress because this treatment must be repeated for several weeks in order to give good results. This is a treatment that every household has. Apple cider vinegar, expect from its gastronomic usage, has great effects when it comes to eradicating warts. Use the apple cider vinegar to bathe a cotton ball, then place it over the wart and use duct tape to keep it there. You can leave it overnight although it may irritate your skin. If your skin can’t bear with the remedy being applied day-to-day, you should apply it one day and the next day not. If you use the treatment right, you can remove your warts within a week.

You can use potato slices to remove your warts as many times as you want, because they don’t cause allergic reactions. From this point of view, potatoes are one of the best wart remedies. They usually show results in a few weeks. Castor oil is one of the traditional remedies that make warts disappear in a couple of months. Aloe Vera juice can be obtained from this plant and it leads to two results on warts. If the Aloe Vera is applied on the warts, it pierces into the skin and eliminated them, but if the Aloe Vera is taken internally, it aids the immune system to deal with the virus that causes warts. In case you can’t find castor oil, utilize whatever cream which consists of aloe because it will bring you the same results.

Duct tape is a product which is efficient in numerous situations, and eradication of warts is one of them. From all the natural treatments presented above, this is usually suggested to people by doctors and involves placing a piece of duct tape over the wart. If you lose the duct tape, substitute it with a different portion until the wart is removed together with it.

All these natural wart removal treatments are efficient after a while, but in most of the cases, they cure the effect, and not the source. In order for your body to be able to defeat the warts virus, you have to keep improving your immune system with the help of foods that contain vitamin C.

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