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How To Get Rid Of Moles Present On The Face

February 19, 2013


In some cases, having a mole on the face can make you more beautiful than you are, it can make your face glow, and give a unique aspect. Anyway, most people with moles on the face are not that lucky, as these generally have a disagreeable aspect, and they change the way a person looks. Fortunately, there are numerous ways in which a mole can be removed without too much effort.

Also, surgeries are not always necessary, and you could always opt for a natural treatment, which will make the mole vanish faster than you had expected. For example, a mole will disappear very fast if you use a mixture made from raw honey and flax seed oil. You just need to apply this combination on your skin every day. In a very short time you will start to see the difference, as the mole will slowly shrink down. Still, you should not stay in the sun during the treatment, because the violet rays, especially if they are very powerful, can make the treatment ineffective.

Your mole might present side effects, and might not react to the treatment if you stay in the sun at noon. Moving on, another good natural solution is to apply a coriander paste in the mole. This is a fabulous mole treatment, and it works even better if you add a little onion juice. Another good idea is to make a mixture from castor oil and baking soda, which will visible reduce the dimensions of your mole. You should leave it on the mole during the night for a few days, and within weeks it will be completely dried. Another extremely powerful substance is tea oil, which can have miraculous effects on your face.

The tea oil is absorbed into the skin by massage, thus you will need to do this daily, and after a couple of weeks you will observe the change. Tea oil usually is found in the form of soap, or simply as oil. If you massage your mole with tea oil numerous times a day, the results will be visible sooner. A very important thing is that all these products are natural, and you can find them everywhere. Natural products are highly efficient, only they are not as harmful as the chemical ones. Still, it is advisable to find out more about moles before applying any sort of treatment. Moles are just lesions made from various nevus cells, and are dangerous as sometimes they are cancerous. Therefore, you should not wait too long before you start treating them, and remember to use only the recommended, natural products.

Chemical substances can be very dangerous, and in time they can serious harm the skin. Therefore, you should opt only for natural substances. And, since we are speaking about the face, this is extremely important, as there the skin is very sensitive, and it can be easily damaged. Unless you select a fine product, you run the risk of developing more serious skin issues, like burns, or irritations. And, this cannot happen in the case of a natural product, especially one that you have made on your own, from organic substances.

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Skin Moles


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