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Tips To Removing Warts

February 13, 2013

Warts are a common skin condition. In the majority of the situations, they are totally benign, except for those genital warts that can sometimes lead to cancerous changes. Spotting them should instantly deter you to treat them. Human papilloma virus, which feeds with blood and nests in the top layers of the skin, is responsible for the formation of the unlikeable growths called warts.
Warts virus might be caught anywhere in public places and also by skin contact with a person that has the infection. Usually it takes about 12 to 16 months for warts to disappear. There are cases when warts are really stubborn and they stay there for many years. You should consider treating warts after noticing them because the virus is contagious. Fortunately, a lot of warts treatments are available. You can opt for treatments performed by doctors or you can perform your own treatment at home. It is a good idea to consult your GP once you decide to use home remedies in order to know for sure if you have warts or other condition alike.

You can choose among three methods to remove warts: have a professional treatment in a doctor’s office, choose OTC remedies you can buy from pharmacies or use natural remedies that you purchase in supermarkets.

In the majority of the cases, professional treatments are among the solutions that require the less amount of time. In some cases, surgery, laser surgery and electric needle might cause scars. There are no scars in the case of treatments like pulsed dye laser, Cantharidian treatment or Miquimod cream. Cryotherapy or freezing is the most commonly used method, even though it can cause minor scars in case the warts are really serious.

In order to get rid of warts, you should visit the doctor one to three times. In case you decide to get rid of warts by yourself, opt for OTC remedies because they are a cheap and practical solution. You must apply them over the warts because they are in forms of adhesive discs, gels and liquids. Usually, the most effective are the ones which have salicylic acid, but you can also find others which have castor oil or fruit oils and acids. You can perform cryotherapy at home too if you use applicators bought from the pharmacy.

All the instructions you get with the product have to be respected. If you opt for natural remedies, you have to know that they can be bought from almost all pharmacies and markets. Amid natural remedies you can find castor oil, Aloe Vera gel, garlic, apple cider vinegar, other peculiar remedies and tea tree oil.  According to the type, number and remedy, removing the warts might take a few days to a few months.

The great thing about these remedies is that they have no side effects, they are affordable and usually, the treatment is totally painless. Keep in mind the fact that you should consult your doctor before using natural or OTC remedies to cure genital warts.

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Wart And Mole Vanish

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